Cantando la Vida

Cantando La Vida is an exploration of song culture and a nice excuse to visit Central America..

costa rica festival

The festival organisers say:

Cantando la Vida ~ Singing Alive Costa Rica is a shared path of remembering and reweaving our living song culture. This practice is bringing together of the worlds through harmonic communion. We are revitalizing this culture through enacting community rituals, by including song in community events, and by celebrating the inspiration brought forth by song and voice!

Cantando la Vida exists to nourish this deep desire to sing from the heart and support those who wish to live the teachings of our songs, ancient and new.

We will gather in circle to share songs, stories, laughter & prayers, invocations, intentions, blessings, mantras, and ommmmm.  Themed circles are scheduled throughout the days, facilitated and offered as a song teaching place. Community offerings are welcome: spontaneous singing or a workshop during early hours or community time; yoga, nature walks, bodywork.’

Learn more about Cantando la Vida!