ForestDance Gathering

ForestDance Gathrings are  arts and healing festivals held in Massachusetts in summer and Costa Rica in winter. Expect lots of essential oils and shamanism…

The festival organisers say:

Forestdance is a profound ceremonial gathering where we dance and experiment with creativity in service, around a sacred fire for three full nights until dawn.

Come join us as we share in a deep celebration of our lives together on sacred & wild land. Here, we move through the human symptoms that keep us from sensing our powerful interconnections. The energy weaves through us and then to everything around us, until the ceremony seems to dissolve and we all remember the subtle and truest parts of ourselves.

Our facilitators, teachers, and everyone present guide our journey, where we reignite our inspiration, access and reclaim our own core, connect to nature, and expand our heart awareness”.

Learn more about Forest Dance Gathering!