Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival celebrates the onset of autumn with cool vibes, cooler music, and the best circus and performance arts anywhere. Dance the night away, commune with nature, eat, drink, and be merry with those around you.

Festival organisers say:

“Harvest festival is an annual four-day event set against the backdrop of Midlothian Castle and its unique Screaming Heads, located approximately 2.5 hours north of Toronto near Burk’s Falls, Ontario, Canada. It’s held on the 2nd weekend after Labour Day each September and is produced by alienInFlux.

Celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2024, the festival has become a significant cultural gathering, showcasing house and bass music DJs, circus performers, talent and creativity. We’re looking forward to another great experience with friends and friends of friends, new, old and to-be. We hope to see you at our other events as we build up to September.

Harvest is unique. Organized by friends, for friends, like nowhere else. It’s not a chance to lose your mind in excess.

This is a reminder to take good care of yourself and not become a casualty of excess creating problems for you, your friends and the events you attend.

We individually and as a group have a responsibility to: “Eat” good food, get good “Sleep”“Drink lots of Water” and “Leave No Trace” because “Excess Makes a Mess” so please “Moderate Yourself and Friends!”

This is what is required of each of us. With this in mind, we as a community will continue to gather and celebrate together for years to come, building upon our successes to make Harvest better and more refined as we grow into the future.

We look forward to your conversations throughout the Harvest weekend on this topic. Join us in the Harvest Haven for support and offerings. The Haven offers 24-hour dedicated confidential support to all Harvest Festival attendees. We are a non-judgemental group of folks dedicated to your well-being and care.

Stay safe and healthy


Learn more about Harvest Festival.