Firefly Gathering

Firefly Gathering is a chance to disconnect from the chaos and stress of everyday life; to commune with nature, free your soul, and learn new skills through art, music, and conversation.

Festival organisers say:

“Each summer hundreds of people come together in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina for the Annual Firefly Gathering, the largest earthskills gathering in the country. Skilled instructors, artists, musicians, speakers and thinkers co-create this experience to expand our capacity to live well with one another and our beloved Earth.

With over 300 hundred diverse classes to choose from, days are focused on deepening our relationship with the wisdom and rhythms of nature. Both classes and youth programs dip into the deep wells of ancestral knowledge, inspiring learning, play, and sharing skills that all ages can integrate into our daily lives and communities.

Evenings are filled with live music, poetry, stories, dancing and drumming under the moon and stars, opportunities to connect, and of course–the fireflies–who dazzle us with their beautiful display of light as they find each other in the darkness! For many, coming to The Firefly Gathering is a life-changing experience that they return to year after year.”

Learn more about Firefly Gathering.