Yin On Fire

Celebrate positivity and humanity with four days and three nights of ecstatic dance, live music, and spark talks to motivate and inspire. Includes a beautiful lake with a 200-foot water slide!

Please note that this event is for 18+ only.

The festival organisers say:

“Bound by our shared enthusiasm for learning, expanding consciousness, healing, connection, and community, this immersive experience offers a tapestry of enriching activities.

Explore over 100 workshops showcasing a diverse range of healing modalities from across the globe. Immerse yourself in the serenity of the lake, invigorate your body with yoga and dance, experience the meditative effects of a mindful walk through the labyrinth, and be captivated by concerts and performances on the main stage.

Immerse yourself in the serenity of the lake, gaze at the star-filled night sky, find your own pinon tree to pause and integrate, invigorate your body with yoga and dance, experience the meditative effects of a mindful walk through the labyrinth, and be captivated by concerts and performances on the main stage.

The festival promises a journey of self-discovery, connection, and celebration. Attendees will engage in various activities, from burning symbols of limiting beliefs to igniting fires of passion and creation. The event is designed to reflect on our collective human journey and inspire a brighter, more connected future.”

Learn more about Yin on Fire.